XAREL 2000 is an approved MIL-PRF-680C Type II solvent cleaner designed for hand-wiping and immersion applications. It is also suitable for use in airless vacuum hydrocarbon equipment. AXAREL 2000 is selected when a low odor, nonflammable solvent with exceptional drying characteristics is required. AXAREL 2000 is a high performance solvent cleaner, offering broad-based solvency and low toxicity. AXAREL 2000 is formulated to effectively remove a wide range of soils such as greases, mineral oils, lubricants, coolants, synthetics, and particulate matter. AXAREL 2000 is safe for use with ferrous and nonferrous alloys such as aluminum, copper and copper alloys, magnesium, nickel, steel, stainless steel, titanium and zinc. It is also compatible with many polymeric substrates and elastomers. AXAREL 2000 is a direct replacement for acetone, isopropyl alcohol (IPA), methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), toluene and other low-flash point, flammable materials. It may also be an effective alternative to halo